Write On! Workshops
Writing Process Posters - Printable
Writing Process Posters - Printable
Creating a piece of writing from start to finish rarely falls in the nice, neat line we’ve illustrated for you in these resources.
In fact, the writing process might more be illustrated as a back-and-forth scribble where you have an idea, try it out, change your mind, begin again, read it to a friend, make a change, re-do the start . . . and so on.
So why do we bother illustrating the writing process in this way?
Simply this: it gives writers a reference point. Yes, they will go back and forth in the process, but they can look at the line and know where they stand and have a goal for where they want to go.
Posters come in three sizes:
- 8.5 X 11
- 11 X 17
- 18 X 24
In addition, each writing process step comes on it's own page to hang in a horizontal display:
- Brainstorm
- Drafting
- Revising
- Conferencing
- Deadline
- Editing
- Publishing